homogeneous leukoplakia the lesion is uniformly white and the surface is flat or slightly wrinkled. In non-ho-mogeneous leukoplakia there is a mixed white-and-red color (“erythroleukoplakia”); the surface may be flat, speckled or nodular. A separate variant of non-homo-geneous leukoplakia is the wartlike, verrucous type.


Homogeneous leukoplakia with central fissuring in the left buccal mucosa Non-homogeneous leukoplakia (ulcerative leukoplakia) right commissure: note the white lesion with ulceration Oral submucous fibrosis: note th e blanching in the lower labial mucosa Non-homogeneous leukoplakia (verrucous leukoplakia): note the raised, thick and white patches on

Based on the macroscopic features of OL, it can be classified into two subtypes: homogeneous and nonhomogeneous. Keywords: Homogeneous leukoplakia, malignant transformation, oral leukoplakia, treatment A homogeneous leukoplakia on the left commissure extending posteriorly. In addition, typical alterations of potentially malignant lesions are seen co-existing in the margins of squamous cell carcinoma. Erythroleukoplakia can therefore be considered a variant of either leukoplakia or erythroplakia since its appearance is midway between.

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Non-homogeneous leukoplakia has been defined as a predominant white or white-and-red lesion ("eritroleukoplakia") that may be either irregularly flat, nodular ("speckled leukoplakia) or exophytic ("exophytic or verrucous leukoplakia"). These types of leukoplakia are often associated with mild complaints of localised pain or discomfort. Se hela listan på mayoclinic.org If Y1, Y2 are solutions of nonhomogeneous equation Consider the nonhomogeneous equation. We seek Thus a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous ODE is – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 25d839-ZDc1Z Trauma KLASIFIKASI klinisnya, terdiri dari: 1. Homogeneous leukoplakia, disebut juga leukoplakia simpleks Berupa lesi berwarna keputih-putihan dengan permukaan rata, licin atau berkerut, dapat pula beralur atau berupa suatu peninggian dengan pinggiran yang jelas.

Non-homogenous leukoplakia is a lesion of non-uniform appearance. The color may be predominantly white or a. Homogeneous leukoplakias: the most common type, are uniformly white plaques – common in the buccal (cheek) mucosa and usually of low malignant potential.

Classically two clinical types of leukoplakia are recognised: homogeneous and non-homogeneous… Homogeneous leukoplakia, disebut juga leukoplakia simpleks Berupa lesi berwarna keputih-putihan dengan permukaan rata, licin atau berkerut, dapat pula beralur atau berupa suatu peninggian dengan pinggiran yang jelas. Gambar 1. Homogeneous leukoplakia 2. Non-homogeous atau heterogenous leukoplakia, terdiri dari: a.

Leukoplakia is the most common potentially malignant disorder occuring in the oral cavity. It is of utmost significance to differentiate it from other benign

The cause for Leukoplakia is still not known. However, it is mainly linked to usage of tobacco and consumption of alcohol. Hairy kind of Leukoplakia is observed during HIV infection which is caused by Epstein-Barr virus.

Homogeneous leukoplakia ppt

Brouns et al. (2013) found that 52.7% had homogeneous leukoplakia and 47.27% cases had non-homogeneous leukoplakia. The reasons for the higher incidence of homogenous leukoplakia in the present study are difficult to explain as they are multifactorial. Leukoplakia may be potentially malignant (or in a small number may already be carcinomatous) and, thus, both behaviour (lifestyle) modification to eliminate risk factors, and active treatment of the lesion are indicated (Table 28.2):.
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7 Jan 2020 Erythroplakia lesions are often found alongside leukoplakia lesions.

Color. Homogenous.
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Evaluation of surgical excision of non-homogeneous oral leukoplakia in a screening intervention trial, Kerala, India M. Pandey et al Oral Oncology 37 (2001) 103- 109 14. long-term treatment outcome of oral premalignant lesions P. Holmstrup et al Oral Oncology (2006) 42, 461–474 15. 2017-04-20 The term homogeneous leukoplakia is by some applied for leukoplakias that are thin and flat (1), while others also recognize a thick type of homogeneous leukoplakia (3). In addition, various subvariants of homogeneous leukoplakia have been described, such as velvetlike type and pumice-stone type. Non-homogeneous leukoplakia has traditionally been 12 rows Image: Caption: Figure 1: A characteristic well-defined white patch of homogeneous leukoplakia on the left commissure in this bidi smoker.Note the pigmented areas (arrow) commonly observed in habitual smokers, posterior to the leukoplakia. Figure 2: Homogeneous leukoplakia on the left buccal mucosa with central fissuring and pigmented areas-common in bidi smokers; note the mucocoele (arrow) at Homogeneous leukoplakia Non - Homogenous leukoplakia Speckled leukoplakia Nodular leukoplakia Verrucousleukoplakia Staging System [3] A clinical staging system for oral leukoplakia (OL system) on the lines of TNM staging was recommended by WHO in 2005 taking into account the size (L) and the histopathological features (P) of the lesion. 2020-03-11 2018-05-22 Homogeneous leukoplakias: the most common type, are uniformly white plaques – common in the buccal (cheek) mucosa and usually of low malignant potential.

Even though non-homogeneous leukoplakia has been further subclassified into ulcerated, nodular (speckled leukoplakia) and verrucous leukoplakia, this binary classification of homogeneous and non-homogeneous will reduce the confusion and misclassification associated with the use of multiple terminology, and will help to better understand the natural history of these lesions.

It is of utmost significance to differentiate it from other benign Non-homogenous leukoplakia is a lesion of non-uniform appearance. The color may be predominantly white or a. Homogeneous leukoplakias: the most common type, are uniformly white plaques – common in the buccal (cheek) mucosa and usually of low malignant potential. Homogeneous leukoplakia extending from the central to the posterior part of the left buccal mucosa.

Homogeneous leukoplakias: the most common type, are uniformly white plaques – common in the buccal (cheek) mucosa and usually of low malignant potential. Oral leukoplakia (leuko=white, plakia=patch) is a white patch in the mouth that There are two main types: homogenous and non-homogenous leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is a firmly attached white patch on a mucous membrane which is associated with an increased risk of cancer. The edges of the lesion are typically abrupt and the lesion changes with time. Advanced forms may develop red patches.